I teach English language in grade 7. Students understand the grammar topics when I teach, but when we give them exercises to solve they make mistakes. How can we make the students thorough with grammar topics? …. Shailaja Nair, Palava, (Grade 7)
Kshitij Johri | 5 years ago
Don't teach grammar separately.Because of that students get grammar in difficult way.When we teach any para or lesson , find all grammatical issues and teach it in different way......
Practice makes man perfect. If u give them topic related worksheets it will help to understand grammer.
Don’t be panic if they don’t give their 100% in written. Your efforts will never go in vain.Every language needs a sufficient practice and the frequent chances to use it practically. expressing and listening often will help them more. Use different ways to make the use of grammar rules.
Try giving worksheets